Designer Rugs

Motif Collection - Anais Rugs

Our 2024 exclusive Tribe Motif Rug Collection is a testament to the time-honored craftsmanship. Skilfully hand-knotted by female artisans using traditional techniques, these rugs undergo a meticulous process involving hand-spinning and dyeing wool or other natural fibers. The result is a product of Tribe patterns and motifs, showcasing the laborious artistry involved in creating each piece.

The distinguishing features of our rugs lie in their unique and authentic designs and symbols using our natural colour palette. Beyond being a beautiful decor element, bringing this piece into your home means embracing a tangible link to the age-old art of rug weaving and the rich cultural tapestry of the Middle East. Each rug tells a story of tradition and heritage of craftsmanship, making it more than just an addition to your interior—it's a connection to a timeless artistic legacy. Available in four distinct motifs.

Materials: 100% Sheep wool and Cotton

Colours: Ivory with Taupe


Width 200 cm x Length 300 cm

Usage: INDOOR use 

Cleaning: Dry Clean Only


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